Emotional intelligence (EQ) is our ability to handle our selves well and to relate to, and interact with others effectively. It is grace under fire, wisdom in the midst of chaos, integrity in the face of treachery. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage feelings effectively, express oneself appropriately, and work smoothly with other people toward a common goal.
It is the element that matters most when it comes to excellence in the workplace and effectiveness in relationships. It is more important than technical expertise and book learning according to numerous studies, many of which are cited in Daniel Goleman's books, Emotional Intelligence and Working with Emotional Intelligence.
No other element or combination of elements has ever proven more predictive of long-term success. In the new, stripped down, every-employee-counts business climate where such competencies as managing one's emotions, handling encounters well, leadership, teamwork, and the ability to function productively in a changing environment are key to organizational success, no company can afford not knowing the EQ of each employee.
In positions of leadership EQ is absolutely crucial. Emotional and interpersonal ineptitude in leaders lowers everyone's performance. It wastes time, creates acrimony, corrodes motivation and commitment, promotes apathy and builds hostility. All across the company, but especially in positions of leadership, an accurate measure of emotional intelligence among employees can literally mean the difference between a company's success and failure. Why? Because low levels of EQ among the ranks can be remedied with training and/or coaching once the problem is identified and properly addressed.
The most accurate measure of emotional intelligence available anywhere can be found right here through the CORE Multidimensional Awareness Profile (CORE MAP) and the CORE Personal Effectiveness Profile (CORE PEP). Through these incredible instruments you can discover the development level of all personality traits, how an individual is likely to cope under stress, how easily angered or frustrated an individual is likely to become, relating and communicational styles, and much more. Clients are often astounded at the knowledge they gain about the EQ of self and others through these instruments and the insights of the highly trained facilitators who administer them.
Discover the power of CORE in your company!