Detailed View of Organizer

Organizers love predictability and order and are willing to work hard to get it. They tend to be conscientious people with a strong work ethic. They are intense, focused, detailed individuals who need to finish what they start. Organizers seek excellence, if not perfection, in all they do. They tend to have serious natures and may find it difficult to play. They view life as too serious to be spending a lot of time doing frivolous things like playing, even though they long to be playful at times. With their love of detail, there is no such thing as a detail that is too small. As the name implies, Organizers are great at organizing things. They like lists, schedules and set routines because these help them keep their lives and environments in order. Organizers approach other people and the world in general cautiously and from a practical, no nonsense point of view. They are careful, conservative and thrifty and can’t understand how others can be frivolous with their time, lives or money.

Organizers are careful planners in every area of their lives and don’t particularly like spontaneous activities. They dislike social situations, and prefer to either avoid them altogether or stay quietly in the background. Organizers are slow to make up their minds because they feel a need to examine decisions from every angle and, once they do make up their minds, they are slow to change them. They have definite ideas as to what is right and wrong, and can be very critical of themselves and others as a result. They also tend to expect a great deal from themselves and others. Their high expectations may result in their checking and rechecking every detail to the point of near inaction. Generally though, Organizers are extraordinarily competent and responsible and keep themselves moving through every project with precision, skill and thoroughness. They believe that they must never under perform or slack off. It is their duty, they believe, to produce to the very best of their ability at all times and they try hard to do just that.

Unlike the other temperaments, there are actually two distinct types of Organizers. One type loves numbers, charts, graphs and working with logic. They enjoy computer work, banking, accounting and other detail intensive pursuits. The other type has a creative flair. They make outstanding artists, writers, poets and musicians. The artistic type doesn't especially like math or numbers, but they are still detailed in their own ways. Both types are sensitive by nature, but the artistic type is the one most often observed trying to "fix" humanity or "save the world". The numbers type is more grounded and prefers to improve the world, or at least their immediate surroundings, by creating well functioning environments.

FRIENDSHIPS for the Organizer are very selective. Organizers don’t make friends easily and they are very particular about who they call their friends. However, when one has earned that title, the Organizer is fiercely loyal. They can be very sensitive where friends and loved ones are concerned and often get their feelings hurt by assuming a slight or insult where none was intended. Seldom does the friend of an Organizer have to worry about unpleasant surprises...or any kind of surprise, for that matter. Organizers like structure, and even social outings are generally well ordered and scheduled.

AT HOME Organizers want to have a place for everything and to keep everything in its place. They are excellent at designing and coordinating things. Even their garages are usually in order. They tend to be homebodies who don’t go out often. Generally, when Organizers go to movies, parties, etc., it’s because their spouse, a friend or a family member has persuaded them to do so. They can, and often do, enjoy outings when they can be coaxed into them. Organizers tend to expect a lot from their families, and this tendency can lead to being critical if they are not careful. They have a lot of “shoulds” and “ought tos” and expect that everyone should follow the rules and help maintain order. They generally don’t express their feelings easily and are usually uncomfortable with gushy, sentimentalities. They tend to be quicker to express dislikes and irritations than likes and pleasures. However, they are loyal, dependable, faithful and responsible. They tend to show their affection by keeping things fixed and in order, the house clean, good meals cooked, etc. rather than by gifts, flowers and outward shows of emotion. Intimacy is difficult for Organizers, so they tend to keep their emotional distance.


POSITIVE Organizers are loyal, conscientious, and helpful. They are both willing and able to take very good care of those they care about. They have very high moral values by which they direct their own lives. Unlike negative Organizers, they don't pass judgment or impose their own rules on others. Positive Organizers are hard workers who are dependable and capable. They are not afraid to tackle tough jobs and will hang with them until they are completed. They provide, and expect, a high level of effectiveness and excellence and can effect some fabulous outcomes as a result. They are willing to attend to the smallest of details and will plan for themselves and others, if necessary. Positive Organizers can be real jewels to have around where order and meticulousness are important. When they develop their artistic natures, positive Organizers tend to design their environments to be as pleasing to the eye as they are functional.

NEGATIVE Organizers are like wet blankets. Their moodiness, constant complaining, and critical natures make them very difficult to tolerate. It is almost impossible to please a negative Organizer. There is always something wrong...always something that could be improved upon. Nothing is ever quite good enough to a negative Organizer. They can be cold, distant, defensive, and aloof. They are perfectionistic to a fault, inflexible and unreasonable. They take no time for play or leisure and shame others when they try to. They can be manipulative, sarcastic, and downright hurtful. They can take pleasure in pointing out the flaws of others, embarrassing them and making them squirm. They can be extreme moralists who are quick to tell you how immoral you are and what consequences you can expect as a result. They can be stingy, thoughtless and unloving to the extreme. They quickly forget the positive things that others do, but remember the negatives, in detail, forever and readily point them out every chance they get.

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