1. Learn to look inside yourself for your true value. You tend to seek validation from outside yourself and can neglect to build your inner resources. Make a list of the positive attributes you have that exist independent of other people (the fact that you are smart or are good at a particular task, for instance). Realize that those attributes belong to you. You own them and can benefit from them whether or not they are noticed by others.
  2. Pay closer attention to what you are doing at any given time. Learn to notice things around you and to pay closer attention to the things that matter to you. If you will pay attention and make a mental note of where you place items, park your car, etc., you will find you are far less prone to losing things.
  3. Practice planning out activities once in a while and follow the plans to the letter. This will help you to control your tendency to be impatient, inattentive and unfocused. Resist the urge to throw the plan out and wing it.
  4. Begin to pay attention to your impulsive actions. When you find yourself about to act on impulse (eating when you aren’t hungry, buying something you don’t need, taking a day off from work when you don’t need to, venting your frustrations on a loved one, etc.) stop and make yourself consciously aware of what you are about to do. Ask yourself if you will be happy with the result you are likely to get from this action. If the answer is “no”, try to avoid taking the action. If the urge is too strong, try delaying the action for as long as possible. You’ll discover that you can go for longer and longer periods of time and eventually you will have those urges under control.
  5. You tend to move into relationships with your emotions rather than with your mind, and when you are very attracted to someone, you tend to leap before you look. In new relationships, try to set your emotions aside long enough to evaluate the person from a logical perspective. Ask questions. Find out as much about him/her as you can before you allow yourself to become emotionally involved. Making it a habit to do this can save you a great deal of emotional pain and disappointment.
  6. To avoid feeling anxious, you tend to ignore unpleasant truths. Unfortunately, the longer you ignore them, the bigger they have a tendency to become. Try looking squarely at problems and situations you don’t like, and try to manage them before they get out of hand. You know you will have to deal with them sooner or later. You might as well get them handled early so you can get back to the carefree life you love without the shadow of a problem following you around.
  7. Learn to manage your time and energies better. You can waste a great deal of time and energy running back and forth trying to remember what you are supposed to be doing, where you
    put something you need, etc. Put your creativity to work to help you find ways to keep yourself on track. Buy a book or consult an expert on organizing for right-brained thinkers
    and put some of the ideas to work. You’ll love the results.
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