Detailed View of Entertainer

Entertainers are interesting, colorful, talkative, enthusiastic and, yes... entertaining. They are masters of drama and have rich imaginations. The more energetic of this type can turn even the dullest tale into an exciting adventure story. They love melodrama, romance, and anything else that makes life present itself in full, vivid color. All the world is a stage to the Entertainer and they are determined to play their part with flair. They can be witty, sensual, flamboyant and delightful. Entertainers can walk into a room full of complete strangers and have them all laughing, talking and in high spirits in no time. They tend to keep their spirits high and their heads in the clouds. They are open, affectionate, and often unpredictable. Their moods can shift dramatically and without apparent cause at times, leaving others wondering what happened. Their spontaneity can overwhelm the more staid types, but those who love adventure and unpredictable environments thoroughly enjoy the high-spirited, fast-paced world of the Entertainer.

Entertainers like being the center of attention and have no problem placing themselves square in the middle of things. They lovepeople and will actively seek them out. Where the Relater likes to watch and listen, the Entertainer likes to be watched and to talk. They pay a great deal of attention to grooming and tend to be very conscious of how they look. Entertainers love compliments and other shows of appreciation. Compliments to them are the real world equivalent of applause. Entertainers experience the world through their emotions. They are the extroverted feelers of the world, seeking to experience life to its fullest. Because they love new experiences, they find it difficult to focus on any one thing for too long. Entertainers dislike details and don’t attend to them very well. They like to start new projects, but get bored midstream and often abandon them before they are finished so they can move on to something else. Because of the tendency to move from interest to interest, Entertainers are sometimes seen as scattered. Paradoxically, they are also viewed as the social ideal. Their lives seem so much more interesting and eventful than the lives of other people. They express themselves with such drama and flair that their entire lives seem to be one long stage play, with them perpetually in the starring role.

FRIENDSHIPS to the Entertainer are the spice of life. They tend to attract a lot of people of both sexes. Entertainers enjoy their sexuality. They can be seductive, charming and alluring to the opposite sex. Friends rarely have to wonder what an Entertainer is thinking or feeling. Whatever thoughts come up, come out, and they display their emotions like banners waving in the breeze. Entertainers are good natured, intriguing, exciting and fun to be around. After an evening out with an Entertainer, you know for certain that you’ve been entertained! Entertainers are highly social and prefer to interact with lots of people. They love the variety and the energy they get from new and different encounters, so don’t expect your Entertainer friend to spend a lot of exclusive time with you (except in the early stage of a relationship). They want and need variety and if you freely allow it, you’ll have a very interesting friend for life...and a life filled with adventure.

AT HOME Entertainers are very affectionate and playful. They truly enjoy entertaining and playing with their children, but may forget things like teachers conferences, lunch money, and dental appointments. They tend to ignore details in favor of whatever is interesting or fun to do. Because they tend to be disorganized and forgetful, important matters, like paying the bills or keeping appointments, may go undone. Usually someone in the household will take it upon themselves to keep the Entertainer on track. Even though they keep everyone guessing as to what they will forget next, they also keep life interesting and even exciting. Entertainers want people around and, when they are, very little gets done in the way of household chores. It's so much more interesting to visit with family or friends. Their energy levels can be tiring to others and their lack of focus exasperating, but one thing is certain, life at home with an Entertainer is anything but boring.


POSITIVE Entertainers are absolutely energizing to be around. They can keep your world filled with laughter and larger-than-life drama. There is never a dull moment around a positive Entertainer, and though they keep you guessing, they can brighten your day just by walking into the room. Positive Entertainers are truly charming. They have a childlike innocence that is both playful and endearing, and an effervescence that is contagious. They have an openness and a genuine enthusiasm that is both attractive and inspiring. No one is more interesting, exciting, or fun to be with than a positive Entertainer.

NEGATIVE Entertainers, on the other hand, have an unhealthy need for attention and will do anything to get it. They can be loud, boisterous, demanding, self-centered and thoughtless. They are so busy trying to get attention that they are unable or unwilling to look beyond their own needs to discern the needs of those around them. They can bore people to tears repeating long-winded stories, disregarding the many signals, and even outright requests, to end the long and tedious tales. They can become enmeshed in their own overblown emotional dramas and their extreme neediness turns into demands for love and attention. Negative Entertainers are highly reactive, often acting like spoiled little children. They throw tantrums, cajole, pout, cry, and anything else that will get them the attention they crave. Negative Entertainers lack self-esteem and believe the only way they can gain any worth is through the attention of others. Unless they can manage to get and hold everyone’s attention, they feel powerless and unworthy. They know how to attract people, so relationships may start off wonderfully, but they soon become difficult and stormy. The other person can never give them enough time or attention to satisfy them. Negative Entertainers can be manipulative, overly sensitive, selfish, and sometimes cruel in their efforts to get what they want.

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